Sometimes the solution to a problem is only an imaginative thought away.
Using Spray Equipment Can Be A Speedy Solution For Contractors
Applying stains and sealers with spray equipment may strike the decorative concrete contractor as a convenient, speedy solution, not terribly complicated.
What Considerations To Make When Purchasing A Vacuum
The philosophy behind purchasing industrial vacuums for controlling airborne dust is changing in the concrete industry, especially with new federal rules now in place concerning worker exposure to these particles.
Making Safety a Priority on the Job Site
For years I’ve enjoyed learning from the pages of Concrete Decor. The pictures of amazing design and craftsmanship, detailed techniques, new products and sound advice on how to improve business have all helped me stay connected to the decorative concrete industry.
Slip and Fall Protection and Friction on Concrete Floors
How to define slipperiness and the test methods used to evaluate the slipperiness of sealers and coatings.
Rescuing a Nightmare Concrete Staining Job
In March of 2012 my company received a call from an outfit that was working on a project at San Joaquin Delta College in Stockton, California. They wanted to discuss the issues that they were having with the application of an acid stain on almost 50,000 square feet of floor.
Silica vs. Silica: What’s the Difference as Far as Concrete and Health Are Concerned?
There is a huge difference between amorphous silica and crystalline silica as far as your health and your concrete is concerned. The difference between the two is at the atomic level.
Protecting Yourself When Working with Acid Stain
Some materials you handle as a concrete worker can be hazardous to your health, including the concrete itself. Wet concrete can burn your skin, while concrete dust can hurt your lungs.
Acid stain is comparatively pretty safe — but there are still some safety procedures you should consider.
Treating and Preventing Concrete Burns
If you work with concrete you already know how abrasive, alkaline and caustic it is.
To put it simply, as portland cement dries, it will absorb water from any source in order to harden. That means it will suck the moisture from your skin as well.
New HEPA Certification and Hazardous Dust Regulations
Several pages into the Environmental Protection Agency’s new Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule, there is a statement pertaining to the use of HEPA certified vacuums: