This column covers a topic that could determine the sustainability of your business: indoor air quality both during and after construction. Although air quality for your workers and your clients has always been your responsibility, new federal rules are making it essential.
Decorative Concrete Calls for Innovative Safety Management
Decorative concrete is a highly specialized form of construction. The product itself is unique, the tools, materials and construction methodologies employed are specialized, and the people who produce construction art are creative, dedicated artisans.
Unpredictable Yet Beautiful – Meet Concrete Acid Stains
The familiar mottled patterns of these stains are still in demand. What’s more, contractors have new ways to try for that look.
When to Test Your Polished Concrete Job
Know what you are defining with your tests and work descriptions. Your intent is that the architect/owner/GC will be taking you at your word as a professional, an expert.
Dying for Decorative Concrete
There is not a comforting way to say the word “cancer.” Even in this day of strong chances of recovery and survival, it is a word that gets our attention every time. Although the products we use turn normal concrete into extraordinary works of art, some of those products are carcinogenic. Are you taking the proper measures to be safe?
Silica Dust Control – Stop Breathing Sand
As an ingredient in most concrete mixtures, crystalline silica is virtually guaranteed to be present on any decorative concrete job site.
ASTM Looks Out for Workers’ Health Regarding Acid Etching Concrete
ASTM International is one of the largest voluntary standards development organizations in the world — a trusted source for technical standards for materials, products, systems and services. Standards developed at ASTM are the work of more than 30,000 ASTM members.
How to Make Safety a Priority
In this day and age, the almighty dollar seems to be the bottom line in any line of work. However, in concrete construction, there are too many dangers that lurk around every corner to not make safety a top concern.
Shiny Does Not Necessarily Mean Slippery Concrete
At first glance, a shiny floor surface may seem to present slip-and-fall opportunity. In reality, a floor that has been ground, densified and polished can often provide a more slip-resistant floor than plain concrete.
Health and Safety Precautions While Working with Dry Portland Cement
Masks, gloves and goggles protect your body from the damaging effects of concrete dust and chemicals used in beautifying concrete.