Tag: Personal Protective Equipment

Workers Stay Warm and Work Smarter with Brass Knuckle SmartFlex 360 Gloves

Working in extreme cold or chilly environments can slow workers down—or worse. Brass Knuckle SmartFlex BK360 gloves are designed to keep hands warm and protected all day, no matter how low the temperature drops. These gloves are the trifecta: full insulation to provide long-wearing protection from excessive cold, a soft […]

Brass Knuckle Vader Goggle Keeps Vision Clear, Looks Great Doing It

Brass Knuckle Vader Goggle Keeps Vision Clear, Looks Great Doing It

Sometimes, a seemingly otherworldly development comes along that rewrites performance standards and shatters expectations. The Brass Knuckle Vader Goggle (BKGOG-2010N) doesn’t come from the far reaches of space (the U.S., actually), but it might as well be an alien concept when compared to more traditional eye protection. The Vader Goggle […]

The Brass Knuckle SmartCut A4 Glove for Cut Resistance and Much More

Application specific cut standards remain the only way to specify cut-resistant protective gloves; however, A4 cut resistance has quickly become the de facto minimum standard for work gloves used in many applications. Foremen and plant managers alike trust its performance and feel confident putting their people in it when setting […]

Protective Eyewear for Workers Who Need Corrective Lenses

A worker who wears corrective lenses is not exempt from wearing proper eye protection. Typical corrective eyeglasses don’t provide the necessary impact and side protection of work-grade spectacles and goggles. These workers could wear over-the-glasses (OTG) protective eyewear. But, for a less-bulky, maximum-comfort solution, there is the new Brass Knuckle […]

Brass Knuckle Application Expertise Precisely Matches Job to PPE

Major automakers, two in the past year, have embraced Brass Knuckle SmartCut BKCR2403 Cut-Resistant Gloves for assembly operations in their U.S. plants. These gloves offer ANSI level A2 cut protection balanced with extreme dexterity for tasks calling for very fine motor skills. They’re perfect for the dual demands of automobile […]