Cabela’s, a national retailer of hunting, fishing and outdoor gear, designs its stores with elaborate dioramas of outdoor scenes teeming with life. Besides taxidermists, artists and landscapers, the chain has come to rely on the talents of decorative concrete professionals to help bring these displays to life.
Tag: Retail Spaces
Digital-Age Synergy: Polished Concrete Clicks in California’s High-Tech Mecca
What might computer users learn when they google the terms “google” and “polished concrete?”
Concrete Polished Floor for Nike Retail Store in Puerto Rico
Polishing concrete on a tropical island may sound like a dream job, but there are some challenges to working in this environment. Brian Chafins is a project foreman at Preferred Global, where he maintains production levels on flooring projects and manages job installs.
Polished Aggregate Floor Scores Points at New Nike Store
It’s all about branding with the big-name consumer retail companies these days, and Nike is one of the biggest brand names around.
Detroit-area Metropolitan Concrete Opens Decorative Concrete Showroom
Metropolitan Concrete, in the Detroit suburb of Sterling Heights, Michigan, recently completed their new decorative showroom. Leonard Bugli, president of Metropolitan Concrete, says that the new facility will showcase the many techniques that can be achieved with polyaspartics, metalic epoxies, dyes and stains.
The Life of a High-End Concrete Contractor in Manhattan
After being in the decorative concrete business for a more than a decade, Paul Huneck, owner of Hudson Concrete,is in a spot that many other decorative concrete professionals would envy. High-profile clients come to him with interesting projects. He makes his entire living in a territory 13 miles long and 2 miles wide — the island of Manhattan.
Dyes and Metallics Combined for Glowing Concrete Floor at Baby Accessories Store
Don Pinger, Custom Concrete Solutions, West Hartford, Conn., used a unique combination of dyes and metallic epoxy to achieve a neat, radiant floor for this baby accessories shop.
Concrete Artisan Finds Decorative Concrete After “Fourth” Retirement
In his 68 years, Jim Vermillion has mastered many skills: military officer, airline pilot, inventor, seagoing kayak adventurer, business owner.
But he hasn’t been able to get the hang of retirement.
Concrete Overlay Tops Gypcrete at Jewelry Store
They wanted to polish the concrete floors at their new location on Weybosset Street, in Providence, R.I. One problem — the substrate in the building was gypcrete and not polishable. Typical overlay products won’t bond to gypcrete. A clear-cut job was becoming complex.
Color-crazy Concrete Floors at The Stain Store in Austin, Texas
At The Stain Store’s new location in north Austin, Texas, 600 square feet of flooring in the showroom and tool room was overlaid with Miracote MPC, scored with curved joints, then stained with Mirastain II alcohol-based stain, Butterfield Elements. Stain Store’s own metallics were used in the tool room.