Alpha is excited to introduce a new electric stone cutter, called the ESC-150, which is equipped with a powerful motor capable cutting 1-1/4” (3cm) stone slabs in one pass. In addition, Alpha recognized the need for a quality electric portable stone cutter that is capable of miter cutting of 1-1/4” […]
Tag: Saw Cutting
Epoxy vs. Polyurea Joint Fillers:
Which is best?
When properly installed, concrete is one of the most durable and long-lasting products construction pros can use. When used as finished flooring, concrete should have control joints saw cut into its surface shortly after placement. Control joints can be thought of as deliberate cracks cut into concrete floors. They allow […]
Depth Control System by Smith Surface Preparation Solutions
The days of manually adjusting cutter depth are over. Smith’s new electronic depth control system both raises and lowers your cutter with the push of a button. Features of the new depth control system Eliminate Measuring and Guesswork Adjust cut depth in 0.01 inch increments Easily align with ever-changing terrain […]
Chemical Surfactants Can Cut Steps in Concrete Polishing
Chemical surfactants such as Prosoco’s Consolideck First Cut and KickStart Clarity Enhancer from Curecrete Distribution’s Retroplate System can boost productivity and improve results in the early grind stages of concrete polishing projects. David Stratton, president of Pacific Decorative Concrete in Sacramento, says there are two main reasons contractors use such […]
Saw by the CSDA Code
If you’re new to sawing concrete, or if your business only requires you to do the work occasionally, you might want to acquaint yourself with the Blade Application Code for Diamond Saw Blades from the Concrete Sawing and Drilling Association based in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Choosing the Best Blade for the Concrete Task
Diamonds may be forever in jewelry and James Bond movies, but when it comes to the workaday world, not so much. If they were, a good diamond saw blade could be passed on from father to son.
Concrete Saw Cut Artistry – Precision is Paramount
It’s a game of inches. That’s the cliché heard about baseball, and often about other sports as well. And why not? It’s a saying that rings true and also applies to decorative concrete and polished concrete, where precision matters down to the millimeter, let alone the inch.
For Outdoor Rooms, Consumer Tastes Extend Beyond the Basics
Concrete patios and pool decks have long set a standard for basic backyards. But today’s consumers want much more than the basics and the industry is complying. Due to more efficient tools and techniques, complex designs can be installed quicker, easier and at a fraction of the cost.
Using Your Concrete Cutting Saw Skills
Cary Grant — the Las Vegas decorative-concrete impresario, not the Hollywood movie icon — has crafted dramatic masterpieces through his company, Floor Seasons, that could be considered Oscar-worthy, if there was a decorative concrete category.
Things to Think About When Making the First Cut on a Polished Concrete Job
When starting the first cut on a concrete slab, everyone wants to know how it will look when finished. Professionals know each concrete slab is different. The sheer numbers of variables mean no two pours or slabs will look the same.