Crystalline silica refers to a naturally occurring class of minerals found in a wide variety of rock. This mineral occurs naturally in virtually all sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks including granodiorites, rhyolites and granites. Its most common form is quartz, which is the second most abundant mineral harvested from the […]
Tag: Silica Dust
Putting a Silica Dust Plan in Writing
It’s probably not an attitude shared by everyone, but Tom Martin, job site safety director for Diama-Shield LLC in Troy, Michigan, believes OSHA is there to help contractors.
Complying with OSHA’s Dust Control Regulation
Still struggling with how to meet the federal OSHA’s requirements on protecting your employees from silica dust? You certainly aren’t alone. If you’re waiting for your favorite manufacturer to bail you out with new equipment, it may take a while. Many of them have new products in the works that […]
Your Guide to Silica Dust with Scott Safety a Tyco Business
RCS or respirable crystalline silica is one of the most common naturally occurring elements on the planet. Found in the earth’s crust crystalline silica is a key component of soil, sand, granite and other naturally occurring minerals.
OSHA’s New Respirable Crystalline Silica Regulations Do Not Impact All Decorative Concrete Products
Chris Sullivan discusses the new OSHA respirable crystalline silica regulation and how it may not impact all decorative concrete products.
Protect Your Lungs From Job Site Hazards Before Damage Sets In
How often in the course of your day do you think about breathing? Unless you’re one of those unfortunate people who suffers from a respiratory illness, it’s unlikely you give it any thought at all. The fact that breathing is a somewhat involuntary action is probably why we so easily take it for granted.
Dust Suppression System Offers Solution to OSHA’s Regulations
Sometimes the solution to a problem is only an imaginative thought away.
Silica vs. Silica: What’s the Difference as Far as Concrete and Health Are Concerned?
There is a huge difference between amorphous silica and crystalline silica as far as your health and your concrete is concerned. The difference between the two is at the atomic level.
New HEPA Certification and Hazardous Dust Regulations
Several pages into the Environmental Protection Agency’s new Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule, there is a statement pertaining to the use of HEPA certified vacuums:
Protecting Your Crew from Silica Dust and Lead
This column covers a topic that could determine the sustainability of your business: indoor air quality both during and after construction. Although air quality for your workers and your clients has always been your responsibility, new federal rules are making it essential.